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Wandering Days

In an extended fit of nostalgia, I’ve purchased several stories about Frances the badger for my daughter. I remember the books from my childhood, and I’m glad Edie enjoys them too. I’ve also been pleasantly surprised to find that they don’t insult children’s intelligence and they tackle sticky issues head-on, both of which are all […]

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On Callouses and Barefooting

I’m currently enjoying a few days to myself on the Oregon Coast. Being back on the beach reminds me of my MovNat trip to Costa Rica, partly because even though it was over two months ago, the beach sand abrasions are still fresh on my mind. But I headed down to the beach this morning […]

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Celebrating Paleo

So, I run the risk of sounding like a major vain mofo here. So be it. I own it. If I come across that way, feel free to disregard me to whatever degree you feel necessary, but I think I have something important to say. Tag along on the stream-of-consciousness journey with me, won’t you? […]

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Connecting the Dots

Last Friday was my daughter’s last day of preschool until it returns in September, and I picked her up feeling like we should mark the occasion. Unfortunately, I had to run a rather boring errand at the hardware store. It’s a testament to my cute, little Oregonian mountain town that even our friendly neighborhood hardware […]

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The Finish Line

Hi all, it’s Juliann again! I wanted to drop by and (finally) give you my post-30 day challenge update. My Whole 30 light officially ended on September 7th and it’s possible I was a little busy with work, football and Warrior Dash-ing making this post a bit delayed. Back in August I wrote about foods […]

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Halfway There

Hey all! Juliann here with another guest post. A few weeks ago I wrote about my kryptonite and I made the promise to go 30 days at 100% primal. Well, I’ve reached the halfway point and I thought I’d drop by to give you all a little update. I started my 30 day paleo challenge on Monday, […]

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What’s Your Kryptonite?

I’m generally not one for comic book references but this seems apt. Is there one thing you feel powerless against? I’ll be honest, for me it’s ice cream. Specifically high quality vanilla bean ice cream. I don’t really need any toppings, but I won’t scoff at adding fresh berries or some dark chocolate chunks. I love the […]

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Paleo Might Be For You If…

By no means is this list exhaustive, but lately, I’ve been aware of a certain sentiment among my friends, family, and acquaintances. I hear it in the way they talk about their weight, their hunger, their exercise (or lack thereof), their energy levels. Rather than approach this as trying to sell someone on a certain […]

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They Always Blame the Meat

I’m glad Melissa McEwan said it (here), ’cause I’ve been thinking the same thing. After reading The End of Overeating by David Kessler, McEwan couldn’t help but wonder, “When I see a study that shows meat causes weight gain, I kind of want to know ‘what meat?’.” Apparently, the book blames meat for the epidemic […]

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Paleo Drawbacks

It just wouldn’t be fair to go on and on praising this diet without fessing up to some side effects. Admittedly, most of these are minor and laughable, but here they are, none the less: One Heckuva Dirty Kitchen. The stove top is a constant disaster. Bacon grease, egg splatters, recongealed butter, salt crystals and […]

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